Sustainability Bites
Schuttelaar & Partners is a consultancy that dreams about a sustainable and healthy future. Founded by Marcel Schuttelaar in 1995, we have 30 years of experience in the agrifood & health sector. In this podcast, we want to spotlight key issues at the EU level, inviting experts and colleagues to share their knowledge. Learn more on our website: https://schuttelaar-partners.com/
Sustainability Bites
Sustainability Bites - Flaminia Marchetti on Queerness in Sport
In this episode of the podcast, we sit down with Flaminia Marchetti from ISCA (International Sport and Culture Association) to discuss queerness and queer people in sport. With discrimination still a significant reason why many people don't participate in sport, Flaminia walks us through what she thinks could bring about a positive change outside of and inside the political machinery of the EU. From strong role models to leading policies, there's many routes we should take to make Europe a better place play sport in and to live in. Sport is just one aspect of our lives, but changing the culture there can and will change culture across our communities.
You can find Flaminia on LinkedIn here
Organisations: ISCA, ReportOUT, ILGA, ELGSF, ENGSO, Fundamental Rights Agency, EUSA
Projects: Eurogames campaign, OUTSPORT Project, ENGSO Project
Podcasts: Voix Queer, LGBTQ Sports Podcast
Book: Sport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe: the experiences of LGBTQ People in Sport